Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why Belgium?

When we say to friends, "we're going to Belgium this summer," the reply is often, "why Belgium?" Well, why not?

After all, Belgium is famous for its beer, for chocolate and for fries. And 2014 is also the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. There are remnants of First World trenches near where we're staying, as well as portions of Hitler's Atlantic Wall from the war that followed the "war to end all wars."

The Dodengang - the Belgian front line
So there should be some good sight-seeing within a fairly short drive of where we're staying. The home we're in is a modern one, as opposed to the 250+-year-old stone farmhouse we stayed in while in Yorkshire in 2011. The home is in a little subdivision out in the country, which makes for some nice views.

View from our exchange home's back garden
So again - why not Belgium? Now - my fries and beer, please.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The First Post

The pressure is on. A bit. Many of our friends who travel share their experiences along the way by blogging. It's been fun to follow along. Pat and Rob as they almost bump into the Pope in Rome, for example. 

This July, we're off to Belgium for 18 days. We'll be exchanging homes with a family from Gistel, which is near the Belgian coast in Flanders. We're five months away, almost to the day. So thought I'd start off by creating the blog, and christening it with the first post.

It has been a while since I've had the chance to write creatively. So this should be interesting. It might even be fun. 

More as we get closer to the vacation.